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Alwarsha Downloads
Integrated Development Environment

alwarsha-x86_64.appimage (Linux package)
.desktop file for applicatoins menu entry: alwarsha.desktop
Icon for applications menu entry: alwarsha.svg

Setup Instructions

System Requirements

To install on Linux you'll need Ubuntu 20.04 or newer, or any distro that is recent enough. And to install on macOS you'll need to build Alusus from the source.

Alusus Installation

Simply install the downloaded package using your system's package management tool. On deb based systems:

$ sudo apt install ./alusus_<version>_amd64.deb

On rpm based systems:
$ sudo dnf install ./alusus-<version>.x86_64.rpm

Alusus packages install all files under /opt/Alusus, and it installs sym links for the executables under /usr/local/bin.

You can also download the zip file and extract it anywhere without needing the installation packages. You'll be able to run Alusus and APM from the Bin folder directly. You can add the Bin folder to your PATH to easily run Alusus from anywhere.

To install on macOS, you'll need to build Alusus from source. Once you build it you can install it anywhere in the system, and you can add the Bin folder to your PATH to easily run Alusus from anywhere.


You can run Alusus programs as follows:
$ /opt/Alusus/Bin/alusus <Source Filename>

or using the sym links that the installatino package creates for you:
$ alusus <Source Filename>

Alwarsha Installation

Alwarsha is an IDE that supports Alusus language and has many of the features commonly found in IDEs. Alwarsha is available as an AppImage, which is a package format that does not require installation and can instead be executed directly. To install:

After that you'll be able to launch Alwarsha by double clicking the appimage file.

Note: You'll need to install Alusus separately as Alusus does not come bundled with Alwarsha.

Creating an Application Menu Entry for Alwarsha

You can create an application menu entry by following these steps:

After a while the icon should appear in your applications menu. If it doesn't then try logging out and logging back in.